Casino Poker for Beginners
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Mixed media
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The US television drama Master of Sex points out in an episode, that the process of a person experiencing an excited state is similar to an orgasm - The casino is male-oriented and full of masculine symbolism. I take it as a metaphor - poker and chips as representation; the experience of my mother and close female friends as an extension; magazines and online media as a cultural content - to interpret the various sides, congenital conditions and acquired choices, also the excitement and depression of women’s participation under patriarchal social norms.
美劇 《Master of Sex》 其中一集指出,人在賭場經歷的興奮狀態與過程跟性高潮相約-賭場本身正是以雄性為主並充滿雄性符號的活動。我以此為喻,並取撲克作為表現形式。我以母親及身邊女性朋友的經歷為引申,以雜誌及網上媒體等文化內容構成牌面和籌碼,訴說女性在父權與約定俗成的社會意識之下的各種面向、先天條件和後天取捨,與參與其中帶來的興奮與失落。