Eyes of Ravens Raiser
啄眼的烏鴉 Curator 策展人: Carol Lee Mei Kuen 李美娟 |
26.03 – 12.04.2018
CL3 |
I am obsessed with psychoanalysis, concerned about individual values under social norms. Time is cyclical - A status is turned into various conditions and shows up repeatedly.
No one could affirm and explain the reason of depression. ./No one could explain the reason of depression precisely. Trauma is not only a personal experience, but also collective – Perhaps, it comes from conscious or subconscious behaviour, ignorance, indifference, memories and history; or the distance between the private inner world and the authentic external world. Nevertheless, maybe, these are autosuggestion and more than words. I would rather project these psychological sceneries with drawings than be lost in language – staring at the sceneries while the spectator is part of sceneries. “Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos” (Raise ravens and they’ll pluck out your eyes) not only a Spanish proverb, but also a movie title. Cría Cuervos (Raise Ravens) which is a film directed by Carlos Saura in 1976, regarded as the masterpiece of .psychologl and political fable. It is about the anxiety of childhood, strong bonding between the child and mother, gender issue and even a metaphor of social situation - interpretation are varied, who knows? The only thing I am sure is the featured song “Porque te vas” (Because you are leaving) has become my earworm. |
無人可以斷言解釋憂鬱的原因。創傷並不單指個人,也是集體性——也許來自有意識或潛意識的行為、無知、冷漠、記憶和歷史,或來自私人的內心世界與現實的外部世界之間的差距。然而這一切可能只是自我暗示,而且無法言喻。與其失語,不如不斷嘗試以繪畫呈現這些心理景觀——凝視景觀的同時,觀看者也是景觀的一部分。 「飼養的烏鴉,長大後會啄走你的眼睛。」不單是一句西班牙諺語,其中一個意思指人無法改變天性,違反自然。也是Carlos Saura於1976年執導電影《Cría Cuervos(飼養烏鴉)》的名字來源。電影被譽為心理學傑作及政治寓言。關於童年的陰霾、與母親的強烈羈絆、關於女性,更是社會狀況的隱喻——解讀總有各種各樣,誰能說實?我只確定電影中重覆兩次的歌曲《Porque te vas》(因為你要離開)在腦海縈繞不散。 |