Social Transformations
An Exhibition Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School Myrrh (No medicine) 沒藥 2016 - 2018 Coloured pencil on paper, Aluminium 14.5 x 11cm (each) Myrrh, which means in Chinese: no medicine. It is said that in the Bible, the bodies were buried with Myrrh. The Magi brought three gifts to Jesus after he was born, Myrrh was one of them; and Myrrh is presented to the dead. Thus, Myrrh is associated with death while it is used for relieving the pains. Having said that, I am not a Christian, just attracted by the homonym of Myrrh in Chinese. There are too many incurable things in the world. If there is no medicine to heal, only self-help could reduce these sufferings. |
11.11 – 28.11.2018
Hong Kong Arts Centre 沒藥(myrrh),又稱末藥、製沒藥、製末藥。據說在聖經裏,埋葬的時候大多用上沒藥;此為東方博士獻給耶穌的其中之一份禮物,亦用來獻給死人。如此,沒藥與死亡有關,也用來減輕痛苦。然而我不是教徒,只是被其諧音吸引。世上太多無可救藥,唯有自救,減輕痛苦。 |