The video installation of Time Travel tended to create the disorder and displacement of time-past and present- in the same place but different objects and space, to constitute a number of contradictory and instantaneous moments. The audience can experience the time travel in the particular location and sight. It seeks to explore the disconnection of external experience and inherent perception. It also concerns with the relationship between memory, history, visual and location. The work attempts to create the conscious of present in a particular location, even sense of being in the world, or being indifferent and detached when facing the loss of time. An invisible area is created by auditory masking to reduce the distraction of conscious and sight. Long take, the juxtaposition of the video and place, and the simultaneity of forward and backward motion make time and space more undetermined. This kind of conflict is ambiguous and mysterious, which constitutes individual interpretation.
《Time Travel》的錄像裝置以同樣的地點與異樣的物件與空間創造時間—過去與現在—的錯亂及移位,構成多個矛盾的瞬間。觀者需要於特定的位置與視角感受時間的跨越。它旨在探索外在體驗和內在感悟的斷裂感,亦探討記憶、歷史、視覺和地點之間的關係。作品嘗試創做出當下在場的感受,甚至自身的存在意識,或面對時間流失的淡泊和超脫。錄像加以白噪音產生一個隱藏的區域掩蔽聽覺以減少意識和視線干擾。長鏡頭,並置融和的錄像與地點、播放與回播的同時性,使時間和空間更加不確定。作品試圖以這種衝突產生的曖昧懸疑構成觀者獨特的想像。